I love this picture. Glancing at it makes you wonder what trick the photographer used to get this effect. Then you notice the clouds in the background and realize that it's nature that is playing games with your head this time.
flickr author: beautifier
used w/permission
Tags: optical illusions,photos,illusions,art
Kewl, the tree grows out the side of a cliff. Normally it would grow up in the direction of the sun but it musta gotten too heavy and gravity made it grow down. well thats my theory anyway, looks kewl :)
ok, well thats obviusly photo shopped or something.
the picture was taken from below the edge of a cliff or drop. The "tree" that looks like it is growing out from the side of the cliff is actually the upper branches of a tree growing vertically on the ground atop the cliff.
obviously, the cliff is a tree. the picture is upside-down.
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