I love good silhouettes. They are almost always ambiguous. When dealing with a silhouette the subject can be looking toward you or away from you and the lines can be drawn in to show either perspective.
Which way is this lovely girl actually facing?
P2 - Beach 3
Flickr Artist: ZaksterNT
What a pretty picture. Is she wearing any clothes?
She is facing away! her sunglasses are at the top left of her head and when brightened, you can see her ass says "wow" is some sort of curvy font.
HapiBlogging to you my friend! Have a nice day!
She is facing towards the camera. Look at the way her legs are bent.
and you can see on the right, that hand is a left hand
hope to see closer..
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She's facing the camera.
You can see somewhat of a belt on her bikini bottom.
Funny the places you find your images popping up! :)
Very beautiful picture and infact it is spiritual .
helo friends
I'd like to think that she was looking at my studly self... but, chances are she finds the sunset much more appealing.
Amazing illusions | Stunning optical illusions collections Swimming Fish optical illusion was originally created by Emily Knight and Arthur Shapiro. It was a 2007 Finalist in the Best Illusion of the Year Contest hosted by the Vision Sciences Society.
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