Optical Illusions Etc...
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Description Presented here is a vast gallery of many different forms of Optical Illusions. Whether these optical illusions are conveyed through fractals, photographs, architecture, art, or old fashioned pen and ink, they are bound to remind you that "seeing is not believing."

Caution!!!! Some of the optical illusions on this blog may cause dizziness or possibly epileptic seizures. The latter happens when the brain can't handle the conflicting information from your two eyes. If you start feeling unwell when using this website, immediately cover one eye with your hand and then leave the page. Do not close your eyes because that can make the attack worse.
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American Flag Optical Illusion

I was wandering around the web looking for a way to share this site with more people and came across the American Flag League. This is a blog alliance that the only requirement to get on the list is to have an American Flag on your site. So I thought it would be a good time for this optical Illusion.

This is the first after image optical illusion that I have placed on this blog so here are some instructions. Stare at the red dot in the center of the flag image for 30-60 seconds then look at the center of the white spot below or any white surface in the area.

Flag afterimage optical illusions imageFlag afterimage white space image

Why did you see a red, white and blue American flag? Those colors are the negative of the above black, blue and yellow image. The negative is what is left after you stop staring at the image. If you were to take the above image and open it in MS Photo Editor and select negative from the effects menu you would have a nice bright American flag.

Here is the current list of American Flag League members.


Walt said...

The below comments previously archived on haloscan.com


Welcome to the AFL! I haven't seen this one in a while! I love the way you did the header for the blogroll as well.

Jeremy | Homepage | 08.03.05 - 9:44 pm


Cool! I meant to link this yesterday, I was lazy.

Definately, welcome to the AFL! Have you all addded.

William Teach | Homepage | 08.04.05 - 8:18 am


Unknown said...

this optical illsion doesn't work for me and i don't kno why :[ i tried many times ...didn't work :[ how come?? help me....lol

jilcov said...

Here is the current list of American Flag League members

redpetre said...

Stare at the red dot in the center of the flag image for 30-60 seconds then look at the center of the white spot below or any white surface in the area

job said...

nice post. thank for this info

Unknown said...

The illusion on the american flag was pretty cool!

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The documents distributed here have been presented on this blog in the spirit of providing an entertaining venue to educate those interested in optical illusions.

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