I was lucky to be selected as a finalist for the 2005 Weblog Awards in the category of top 5001-1000 blogs. Please go to the link below and vote for Optical Illusions Etc...
Voting Begins December 5, 2005 and ends December 15, 2005
Click here to vote for Optical Illusions Etc...?
Category: "Best of the Top 501 - 1000 Blogs"
# You may vote once every 24 hours in each poll.
# After voting in an individual poll you will be locked out from voting again in that poll (on the computer you voted from) for 24 hours.
Please vote everyday and thanks for reading Optical Illusions Etc...
Congrats to all the finalists and a personal well done to those finalists in my category.
Vince Aut Morire
The American Princess
Armies of Liberation
Random Fate
Reasoned Audacity
Interested Participant
Generation Why?
Think Sink
Iowa Voice
Digger's Realm
Optical Illusions Etc.
Roger Ailes
I had great fun last year with another blog that made it to the finals. Ended up 3rd but it was great fun.
Merry Christmas All,
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