Here is an anomalous motion/distorted perception illusion.
The apparent motion induced by the blue spots seems to cause the red lines to bend and wave. If the whole image is in motion how could red lines not be bending with the motion?
These types of motion images confuse the eye and brain. This confusion allows the viewer to perceive motion in a static image. That's right the below image is a static image and is not animated in any way.
Herman J. Verwaal
copyright 2007
used w/permission
copyright 2007
used w/permission
Herman has an excellent collection of Pop art, Paintings, and Optical illusions. He has given me permission to feature his pieces here. This is just one of many. His illusion art ranges from color perception to distorted illusions.
Thank You for sharing these excellent illusions Herman.
*** Herman J. Verwaal's Trick Art, Pop Art, and Fine Art are available for purchase.
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